Valeria May

My courses “Kommunikation intensiv” are inspired by my uncle who was a natural scientist and professor at Darmstadt University/ Germany, my former study mates (computer science), of course by my students and so many twitterers about digital trends in modern society!

About 100 topics in Kommunikation intensiv and Business intensiv provide discussion material at least for a 100-hours German course. Grammar explanations and exercises can be added.

As topics, you can choose from: environment and technology, work and education, hobby and travel, philosophical and psychological topics and many more.

Looking forward to discussing with you and seeing your German learning progress!

lessons: current rates
10 x 60 min €390,00 EUR
10 x 45 min €360,00 EUR
5 x 30 min €180,00 EUR

Contact me here (, but if you don’t leave your email-address I can’t answer you…)

Here is a Chinese story about why it is important to learn a foreign language:


One day in the evening, an old master rat took a group of young rats out to have dinner. In the kitchen of a household, they found the rests of some dishes in the trash bin. No sooner had the group of rats started their meal, than a loud noise scared them. It was the noise of a cat. The rats ran off, but the cat was behind them. One of the rats was too slow and the cat could catch it. But no sooner wanted the cat to eat the rat, than one could hear the loud noise of a dog. The cat dropped the rat and ran off.
At that moment the old master rat appeared at the side of the trash bin. He spoke to the small rats: “I always told you that it is essential to master a foreign language. This time, the foreign ‘language’ has saved your life.”

Testimonial Blurbs:




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